Programa OldFitness
El espacio ideal para las personas mayores de 50 años que desean ejercitarse de manera segura.
Contamos con equipos especiales y adecuados a las personas de la tercera edad, que minimizan considerablemente los riesgos de alguna lesión.
Además de la asesoría que brindan nuestro grupo de instructores, fisioterapistas y gericultoras especializadas que apoyan a nuestros residentes y socios durante su fortalecimiento muscular.
*El acondicionamiento, la medicina física y la rehabilitación aplicadas bajo supervisión profesional han demostrado ser de gran beneficio al ser humano. Trabajamos en conjunto para evitar el deterioro que produce la inmovilidad física y mental, a fin de mantener un estado de salud pleno.
Además Incluye...
Valoración nutricional y programa alimenticio.
Vigilancia médica.
Depending on dimensions of the space and amount of work, it takes from a week to a 2-3 month to complete the renovation project.
Atención permanente de enfermeras y cuidadoras.
The total budget may vary as sizes of rooms are very different. For example, approximate budget for a basic bathroom renovation is from $3500 to $5000. If you need detailed calculation of materials and work, please contact our Customer Service Department.
Rehabilitación física.
Renovation project can be initiated by the clients. If you need to reconstruct your old house, a room or a basement, you need to appeal to us, approve the project and budget and we’ll start working.
Acondicionamiento físico
Renovation project can be initiated by the clients. If you need to reconstruct your old house, a room or a basement, you need to appeal to us, approve the project and budget and we’ll start working.
Apoyo psicológico
Renovation project can be initiated by the clients. If you need to reconstruct your old house, a room or a basement, you need to appeal to us, approve the project and budget and we’ll start working.
Terapias grupales
Renovation project can be initiated by the clients. If you need to reconstruct your old house, a room or a basement, you need to appeal to us, approve the project and budget and we’ll start working.
Reforzamiento de actividades de vida diaria
Renovation project can be initiated by the clients. If you need to reconstruct your old house, a room or a basement, you need to appeal to us, approve the project and budget and we’ll start working.
Eventos de participación y convivencia social.
Renovation project can be initiated by the clients. If you need to reconstruct your old house, a room or a basement, you need to appeal to us, approve the project and budget and we’ll start working.
Trabajamos y convivimos en un ambiente de cordialidad.
Renovation project can be initiated by the clients. If you need to reconstruct your old house, a room or a basement, you need to appeal to us, approve the project and budget and we’ll start working.